
Learnig Phases

The learning phase includes the analysis of the real estates from all viewpoints. It provides: 
  • Learning exam of the Financial Holdings: both by a technical (Analysis of the structural and technical conditions ) and functional aspect (use of the real estate and needs of the User). 
  • The preliminary research goes on with: - study and test of the Client’s legal relations in regard to the Owner or the Lessee; - comprehension of obligations or faculties that the Client has with the eventual Lessee (type of maintenance, competence of the Owner, ecc), taking cognizance of reality of the condo or neighbourhood. 
  • First judgment about the technical validity of the real estate, for the performance of the tasks that the Client designs it to have (general conditions of the technical implants and relative problems, ordinary and special maintenances, respect of the security and hygiene regulations, certifications, ecc.) 
  • Creation of schedules related to the real estate object of analysis, showing peculiarities and critical situations found during the learning analysis. 
  • Presentation to the Client of our judgments and operative suggestions. 

In light of such approach to the Client and the property, Sikura Gestioni qualifies Itself not only as a service company but also as a partner who assumes primarily the role of consultant, so the Client has the possibility to choose how, when and which suppliers use for the eventual interventions which are necessary for a successful life of the real estate..

  • Fase Operativa

    Sikura assume l’esclusiva responsabilità nei confronti del Cliente, divenendo il suo unico interlocutore per tutti i problemi connessi all’immobile

  • Hotel Complexes

  • Learnig Phases

  • Value activity